Bearing 22319 EK

Dimensions and characteristics of the bearing 22319 EK
Drawing Parameter Designation Value Units
Bearing 22319 EK
Bore Dia d 95 mm
Outer Dia D 200 mm
Bearing width В 67 mm
The radius of the chamfer distance r 3 mm
Nominal diameter of the hole for lubrication d0 6 mm
The width of the annular grooves b1 11,1 mm
Mass m - kg
Dynamic Basic Load Rating C 670000 N
Static Basic Load Rating C0 765000 N
Fatigue load limit Pu - N
Reference speed Nref 2600 r/min
Limiting speed Nlim 3400 r/min
Axial load factor e 0,33 -
Axial load factor Y1 2 -
Y2 3 -
Y0 2 -
Allowable amount of skew [Tet] 2 deg